Spend less time managing pay for your employees so you can concentrate on growing your business.

Manage your Payroll HRMS Software

 SaarPay Payroll
Automate your payroll process with SaarPay

 Employee Self Service (ESS)
Interactive interface with which important data can be self-extracted.

 Mobile App
Allow employees to access their data anytime from anywhere when they need it and trace them with Geo tagging.

 Travel Desk Management
Manage travel planneras per Travel Policy.

 Gate Pass
Apply Gate Pass through Digital Way.

 Help Desk
Digitized ear to your employee's voice!

 Exit Management
Exit Formalities Simplified

 Training Management
Discover & Nurture Skills with Learning Route and Roster.

 Recruitment Management
Acquire Right candidate For The Right Position.

 Performance Management (PMS)
KRA KPI Evaluate & Appraise Employee Performance to Faster Growth.

 Timesheet Management
Capture & Monitor the productive time devoted on each project.

 Canteen Management
Quick & simple way to manage your canteen operations, Monthly food planner.

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